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Perfect for cats just love to chase and zoom across the room to catch toys! As our long raffia tails are the most popular toy we make for cats, we now make them in different colours for you and your cat to enjoy together! 


Our extra long raffia tail teaser sticks are made with natural raffia which, when swished, makes a sound very similar to flapping wings! We dye them using our own mixes of natural vegetable colourings (such as matcha, butterfly pea, beetroot etc).  Naturally, the colour may vary slightly from what you see on screen - not only because screen settings vary, but also because these are vegetable-based colours dying a natural plant material, and so sometimes batches vary slightly. 


Of all the toys our Luna has played with over the years, the raffia tails are by far her most favourite. She loves them so much that she has devised a method to let us know we must get them down from the hook so we play with them with her - and this is at least 4 or 5 times every day!!


The raffia string is very strong and sturdy, forming a long 50cm spiral, which is then followed by 50cm of loose raffia. They are tied to the 38cm long wooden stick with natural jute twine. This total length of over a metre is ideal if your cat loves to sprint across the room after it, as you have the length you need without having to constantly bend over, so it is also good for you if you have problems with your back. You can even sit on the sofa and waggle it to-and-fro for your cat and they still love it!


Safety Instructions

Cat’s claws don't get caught up in raffia anywhere near as much as they do in other materials, but they will do anything to try to hold onto it! So, we advise to never flick the raffia away too hard and always wait for your cat to release their catch before you swish it again. This will protect their nail beds from harm. Also, to protect their eyes and ears, never flick teaser sticks directly at your cat's head. When not playing with your cat, all teaser sticks should be placed out of reach from your cat so that there can be no risk of them playing unsupervised with them and potentially becoming entangled in long strings.

Yellow Gold Extra Long Raffia Tail Teaser Stick Wand Cat Toy

SKU: NG-cat-teaser-raffia-tail-yellow
  • Please ensure this toy is suitable for your pet's health - being aware of any allergies they have or contraindications of any medication they may be taking. Also, always supervise and monitor your pet during play, and regularly check your pet's toys, removing and replacing them if damaged or if parts become detached which could be a choking hazard. Always seek immediate veterinary attention if you are concerned about your pet's health.

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