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Kale is a perfect compliment to the diet of tortoises, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small pets. Westland Winter Kale is an easy to grow vegetable that will provide a nutritious source of leafy greens throughout the winter, when most natural forage has died back. So if you want a ready supply of fresh winter greens, why not grow your own kale?


Our packets contain 50 seeds. They are grown in the UK on a farm with Soil Association organic certification. 


The best time to sow is from late spring to early summer, although you can sow your seeds up to mid-August. But do bear in mind that seeds which are sown when it is late in the growing season will take longer to establish and would need to be kept protected from frost during their first winter, ideally kept in a greenhouse or equivalent.


You can grow kale successfully in containers as well as planting out directly into the soil. We sowed our seeds spaced only about 3 inches apart in troughs, and this "crowding" keeps the plants smaller, which then supplied us with a lot of smaller leaves (as you can see in all our photos). These 'Baby Kale'  leaves are more tender than larger leaves on widely-spaced ground-grown kale plants, which is what we, our bunnies and our tortoise prefer! 


As with all brassicas, feed kale in moderation to pets and as a part of a mixed diet.



  • Ideal sowing season: March - June
  • Soil: Well-drained, organic-rich
  • Position: Full sun, but will tolerate a little shade
  • Watering: Keep soil moist 
  • Germination: 14-21 days
  • Flowers: Will bolt (flower) in summer if it gets too hot
  • Harvest: October - February
  • Height: 40-60cm 


Storage instructions

If you don't plan to use this product immediately, please store in a cool dry place. 

Grow Your Own Organic Kale Pack of 50 Seeds

SKU: NG-seeds-org-kale-x50
  • Please ensure this toy is suitable for your pet's health - being aware of any allergies they have or contraindications of any medication they may be taking. Also, always supervise and monitor your pet during play, and regularly check your pet's toys, removing and replacing them if damaged or if parts become detached which could be a choking hazard. Always seek immediate veterinary attention if you are concerned about your pet's health.
  • This product is only available for shipment to UK destinations.

    We are sorry but global customs regulations prevent international shipping of any products that may contain seeds. 

    These laws keep your own country’s ecology safe, aiding conservation by preventing any accidental introductions of non-native species into your country. 

    If you order this item for delivery to a destination outside of the UK, then we will have to cancel it from your order and issue you with a refund for it. 

    Thank you for your understanding

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